VisiMARKERs allow “locking” onto operator-defined targets – helping alignment of probe, instrument and target – so the operator can move the probe (to improve target visualization or to gain better access) without losing sight of the target location. VisiMARKERs “image lock” functionality permits fusion imaging without operator interaction.
VisiMARKER I (CG-VM), which are visible in CT images and VisiMARKER II (CG-VM2), which are visible in CT and MR images give the clinician the flexibility to choose which imaging solution can provide the best outcome for the patient procedure. The markers are automatically segmented, observed, and registered between ultrasound and pre-operative static volumetric imaging.
VisiMARKER I and II can be also used for third party medical devices which use them, for example, for VR applications in instrument tracking.

TipTAGS Instrument Markers